Goldwyns. Audit & Economic Management
Audit, Quality and Added Value.

Logotipo Prime Global +
Since 1990, GOLDWYNS has performed different functions in the field of auditing. We work for companies which seek transparency, or become aware of the true reality of their financial statements.    
Goldwyns Team +
Knowledge and truth is the best foundation to improve. Therefore, GOLDWYNS services make you take the control as an entrepreneur and you can face the future with guarantees.   +
Transparency Report
for Auditors +


GOLDWYNS was founded in 1990, when the Audit Act of 1988 came into effect. It is registered in the Official Register of Auditors (ROAC) of the Institute of Accountants and Auditors (ICAC) and in the Register of Companies belonging to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Spain. We have offices in Navarra and Madrid and provide services throughout Spain.

One of the essential features of the auditing profession is auditors’ public duty in relation to financial reporting, which goes beyond meeting the needs of each particular client. Defending the public interest requires us to comply with fundamental ethical principles as:

  • Integrity
  • Objectivity
  • Competence and professional diligence
  • Confidentiality
  • Professionalism

We offer a handy and personal service based on independence, knowledge, confidentiality and quality. We provide an added value to our clients since our work requires them to improve day to day the quality of the financial information prepared.

GOLDWYNS is associated with PRIME GLOBAL, an international association of independent accounting firms that brings together more than 350 firms with offices in over 90 countries, with more than 2,200 members and 17,000 professionals.


Prime Global

PrimeGlobal is the third largest association of independent audit firms in the world.

Founded in 1977, the association was adapted to its present form in 2011 by the merger of three major associations: Polaris International, Fidunion International and IGAF Worldwide. PrimeGlobal has more than 350 member firms in 90 countries, with more than 750 offices, 2,100 members and 17,000 employees.

PrimeGlobal offers its associates:

  1. Benchmarking
  2. Training
  3. Exchange of ideas


Audit, Quality and Added Value

Transparency Report for Auditors

Section 26 of the Auditing Act requires audit firms that in case of auditing a public interest entity, they have to prepare an Annual Transparency Report and submit it into their website. GOLDWYNS offers you its  Annual Transparency Report for the financial years:






Audit, Quality and Added Value